Quick trip over to our new found Euro Shopping Directory Elib to find a selection of online suppliers and to check what's available and recommended this listing a one stop shop for curtains, blinds and bedding.
Once you enter the world of home fabrics the choices presented are overwhelming and if your not careful you could easily find yourself ordering enough free fabric samples to assemble a patchwork quilt.
So Whats on Offer?
The fabric warehouse displays a wide range of bedding sets and duvet covers that are available for most of the standard bed sizes - single, double, kingsize and super dooper kingsize and no sooner than you can say "quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" you'll be arguing which of the styles you're going to order.
For those who shy away from using duvets in favour of more traditional bedding due to the notorious difficulty in putting them on we found this video - how to put on a duvet cover that may be helpful. For site link details opening times and directions see the Brownbook listing.
I came across your site this morning. I have a closely related site. I thought it might be mutually beneficial to swap blogroll links. Please take a look at my site and see what you think. http://bestwaterbedsheets.com
If you are interested please send me an email and let me know what you want the text for your link to be. I will put it up right away and then let you know the text for my link.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Good post
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