Climate Change - Time to Act
2009 is an important year for climate change.With the continual reports of global warming and climate change being caused by mass consumerism we take a look at how by changing shopping habits we can all do our bit to address the issues of climate change and hopefully prevent the devastating effects it is having.
Much noise has been made about the environmental benefits of eating locally produced food. Local food tastes better as it is fresher when it is in season. It also creates local employment and when done organically keeps the cultivated land and surrounding countryside in good shape. It lets mother nature do her bit to work with a changing climate.
Easy to remember local food but let's not forget the huge amount of greenhouse gas contributions the fresh flower business creates. Our eagerness to brighten our homes and work places with ever more exotic and tropical flowers means flying in flowers from around the world.
Ironic that flowers grown and flown in from warmer climates innocently contibute to climate change and global warming - can we not find similar beauty in local indigenous flowers?
Show Your Support
Many leading organisations are committed to bringing the issues of global warming and climate change to the top of international agendas. You can make charity donation for these organisations to continue their efforts and campaigns for action on climate change.
More and more organisations are venturing into online trading to generate income for their causes. Some innovative designs are available - t shirts that spread the message, eco freindly products and ethical gifts that will both please and educate.
Change whether make us to change our dressing .. Really it requires it
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