Bouquet of the Month - June Flowers

June Flowers - A Summer Bouquet

We're in June and we have quintessential English flowers to create a summer bouquet using peonies with beautiful big blousy heads, pink roses, alstroemeria and two fantastic fragrant foliages - lavender silvery grey, great scent and also eucalyptus.

Make bouquets with June flowers

Start by putting peonies around some lavender foliage adding some alstroemeria in between the gaps.

Odd number always works better than even when you are arranging flowers.

Bulk up the bouquet with the eucalyptus then add some of the summery pink roses.

Wrap the bouquet with tissue paper that compliments the flowers and voila you have a beautiful bouquet of flowers to give or have delivered.


Ann Flowers said...

Nice blog with nice video. It was nice going through your blog and watching the video online. keep on sharing...!